Buckle Up

Show me your ways, Lord,
teach me your paths.
      —Psalm 25:4

I stopped to talk with a neighbor on my morning walk—a wonderful lady and great mom with two teenage daughters.

“I’m glad your girls have you to guide them to good decisions,” I said. “What concerns me,” I added, “is the decisions they’re tempted to make without consulting you. You’re their seat belt, but there will be times when they won’t want to buckle up.

“Those dear girls will face peer pressure to do something they know you wouldn’t approve of. But because of you, they’ll think twice before making a bad decision—and hopefully, reach for the seat belt.”

As God’s children, he knows our every thought before we think it and every word before we speak it. That awareness motivates us to buckle up before making a bad decision.

It’s too late to buckle up after the wreck.

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