No Room in the Inn

You will find a Babe wrapped in
swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.
                       —Luke 2:12

In our class-conscious day, the birth story of Jesus would be shocking to a first-time reader.

If the Son of God were to enter the world as a baby, surely it would be in a sterile clinical environment. He would be a spoiled child, educated at the world’s most prestigious university, and inducted into upper-class society.

William Barclay relates the story of a European monarch who frustrated his aides by dressing scruffily and walking the streets incognito. When they begged him to cease his excursions, he said, “I cannot rule my people unless I know how they live.”

However incomprehensible to modern sensibilities, we have a Savior and advocate who knows the life we live because he came where we are and felt what we feel (Heb 4:15).

The Bethlehem babe
is now your heavenly advocate.

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