Something to Think About

Think about these things.
      —Philippians 4:8

Lists cause us to think, reevaluate, and sometimes change direction.

The Bible displays numerous lists. There’s a list of ten commandments, a list of things God hates, a list of beatitudes, a list of God-given gifts, lists of good fruits and bad.

I’ve made a short list of some things that I think will help you favorably navigate life. May I share it with you?

  • Every morning, speak with God before speaking with anyone else.
  • Pray twice as much as you gripe.
  • Be careful how you use time and words; you can’t get either of them back.
  • Overlook much, criticize little.
  • Be thankful for the blessings you have and the problems you don’t have.
  • In the give-and-take of life, give more than you take.
  • Don’t let the important be displaced by the insignificant.

It’s a new day—
another chance to get it right.

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