Do You Believe Romans 8:28?

He who promised is faithful.
          —Hebrews 10:23

“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him” (Rom 8:28).

Do you believe that?

I don’t recall having ever heard a Christian say, “No, I don’t believe that!” But I’ve heard some attach a qualifier: “Yes, I believe it, but . . .”

“We know!” Not “we think.” Not “we hope.” “We know.”

The “all things” of the verse means that even the negatives that invade our lives have a positive purpose in God’s plan for us. “All things” include prosperity and adversity, joy and grief, good health and bad.

“We know” cancels out “Yes, but . . .”

Do you believe Romans 8:28?

Partial belief is an acknowledgment
of partial disbelief.

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