The Poor in Spirit

Today’s post begins the third volume of A Daily Walk in the Word. We have written and posted two years of 365 daily essays—a total of 730.

Jesus began the Sermon on the Mount with the beatitudes, and I’ve felt an urge to begin this volume with those qualities. So the next eight posts will address the eight beatitudes.

The Poor in Spirit

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
              —Matthew 5:3

To be poor in spirit is to realize that we are spiritually bankrupt, having no coin with which to buy God’s favor; understanding that we are wholly dependent on his unmerited mercy and grace.

Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to Thy cross I cling.
—Augustus M. Toplady

To be poor in spirit is to take our place beside the praying publican: “God, have mercy on me, a sinner” (Lk 18:13).

God sends the rich away empty (Lk 1:53); the poor in spirit he sends away rich—the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

“I dwell in the high and holy place,” God said, “and also with those who are contrite and humble in spirit” (Is 57:15).

Kingdom citizenship isn’t earned.
It is gifted to the poor in spirit.

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