On My Mind

An Inside Job

By Joe Barnett / June 4, 2022 / Comments Off on An Inside Job

When they pass out medals for bravery, Sherry Basu deserves one. This four-feet-one-inch twenty-four-year-old was sixty-five pounds of raw courage. I met Sherry a few years ago when she was managing a one-day dry cleaner and laundry in my neighborhood that adjoined the convenience store where I bought my morning paper and coffee. I began […]

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By Joe Barnett / May 7, 2022 / Comments Off on Mother

There are a handful of things in my life that have always been there—changeless, consistent, dependable: the sun has not failed to rise or set since the day I was born; the earth has not perceptibly changed its spin in my lifetime; God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And then there is my […]

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Be Faithful Regardless

By Joe Barnett / April 2, 2022 / Comments Off on Be Faithful Regardless

The world’s tallest statue of an American hero is at the southern edge of Huntsville, Texas—a dazzling 77-feet-tall image of Sam Houston, composed of 30 tons of concrete and steel. It is impressive but nowhere near as imposing as Nebuchadnezzar’s statue on the plain of Dura in Babylon, which trumped Houston’s monument in both size […]

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You Are An Original

By Joe Barnett / March 5, 2022 / Comments Off on You Are An Original

Dr. Batsell Barrett Baxter once told me about a cute kid who edged in next to him one Sunday after his sermon and whispered, “I wisht I wuz you!” It’s not just kid stuff. Many adults have enviously eyed someone who seemed to have it all and thought, “I wish I was you!” For some […]

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Getting More than You Asked For

By Joe Barnett / January 8, 2022 / Comments Off on Getting More than You Asked For

I have never met Sue, but her letter made me wish I had. She had reason to be bitter but wasn’t. Sue wanted children—four of them. Instead, in her first six years of marriage, she had four miscarriages. The fifth pregnancy was problem-free. Sue was going to have this baby! And she did. Baby Robby […]

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Listen for His Voice

By Joe Barnett / December 4, 2021 / Comments Off on Listen for His Voice

They had expected so much and walked away with so little. They had thought that by now they would be cabinet members in a new administration, wrecking Rome’s rule and restoring Israel’s independence. Instead, they were jobless, and Rome was having her way. With heavy hearts and sluggish steps, they had come home to Galilee. […]

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Listen for His Voice

By Joe Barnett / November 6, 2021 / Comments Off on Listen for His Voice

They had expected so much and walked away with so little. They had thought that by now they would be cabinet members in a new administration, wrecking Rome’s rule and restoring Israel’s independence. Instead, they were jobless, and Rome was having her way. With heavy hearts and sluggish steps, they had come home to Galilee. […]

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When You Don’t Understand

By Joe Barnett / October 9, 2021 / Comments Off on When You Don’t Understand

I stood with a grieving mother and father in the cemetery, where we stared at a casket and an open grave. They were each holding a toddler. Their daughter, the children’s mother, had lost her battle with cancer. The heartbroken couple was left with memories, bills, and two babies. It isn’t suffering that troubles us; […]

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By Joe Barnett / July 10, 2021 / Comments Off on Hope

When Roman historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus started recording the history of the first century AD, he wrote, “I am entering upon the history of a period rich in disaster, gloomy with wars, rent with seditions.” He went on to write of the devastation of the era: war, murder, adultery, hate, terror, betrayal. Concerning politicians, he […]

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Putting in a Good Word for the Church

By Joe Barnett / June 5, 2021 / Comments Off on Putting in a Good Word for the Church

It has always been “Open Season” on the church—and there are a lot of sharpshooters nested in the hunting blinds. That’s to be expected from those on the outside, but it’s disappointing when shots are fired by those on the inside. I recently read an article by a preacher who went off on his boyhood […]

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