Make Someone’s Day

[E]ncourage one another daily.
                —Hebrews 3:13

Ben Byrum was lonely.

Ben had been to a nearby church a few times but didn’t feel welcome or wanted. He decided to go one more time; walk in and sit down. If no one spoke to him before the service started, he would leave and not return.

People congregated in cliques, slapped backs, gossiped, chuckled. But no one spoke to Ben.

He was getting ready to leave when a lady two rows in front of him, turned, smiled and said, “I’m glad you’re here.”

Ben stayed.

He doesn’t remember the sermon or the hymns. What he remembers is being noticed. “People may forget what you say,” said Maya Angelou, “but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

Today let it be your smile, your “hello,” your word of encouragement that makes someone’s day.

Everyone wants to be wanted.
Everyone needs to be noticed.

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