He did not do many miracles there
because of their lack of faith.
—Matthew 12:58
Have you tied Jesus’ hands; prevented him from doing great things in you and through you because of anemic faith?
Are you less than bold in prayer, thinking he won’t—or can’t—answer?
Are you praying timidly, not really expecting him to respond; even questioning if he is listening?
Jesus’ parables of the insistent friend and the unjust judge (Lk. 11:5-10; 18:1-8), tell us that we have to keep doggedly at this prayer business.
It requires time. And work. And persistence.
But most of all it requires faith. Satan seeks to embed just enough doubt to dilute the power of our prayers.
“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief” (Mk. 9:24).
Pray for a faith that’s bigger than your doubt.