If You Knew Jesus Knew

They kept quiet.
  —Mark 9:34

 “What were you arguing about on the road?” Jesus asked his disciples.

They were zip-lipped because on the way they had argued about who was the greatest.

William Barclay called it “the silence of shame.”

Do you sense their embarrassment? They had nothing to say because there was no defense for their behavior.

He had just told them that he was on the path to betrayal and death. And here they were stoking the fires of personal ambition, jockeying for power positions.

They didn’t know that he knew what they were doing. Discovery that he did left them tongue-tied.

Would you continue doing what you’re doing if you knew Jesus knew?

Would you continue talking like you’re talking if you knew Jesus knew?

Would you continue thinking like you’re thinking if you knew Jesus knew?

There is no “if” about it. He knows.

He sees all, hears all, knows all.

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