Jesus’ Way of Doing Things

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
                          —Luke 6:36

Big poohbahs surround themselves with a cadre of aides whose job is to protect them from interruptions.

Jesus’ disciples were inclined to erect protective walls . . .

“Send the crowds away,” they coaxed when he exhibited compassion (Mt 14:15).
“Send her away,” they urged when a pleading mother sought healing for her daughter (Mt 15:23).
When parents brought their little children to him to bless, the disciples “rebuked them” (Mt. 19:13).

Their modus operandi was: “Don’t bother him!”

But sending people away is not Jesus’ way of doing things.

His way of doing things is to invite those who are weary and burdened to come to him (Mt 11:28). His way of doing things is to coach us to “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful” (Lk 6:36).

Ignoring someone in need
is just bullying in a different language.

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