The Name Above Every Name

God exalted him . . . and gave him
the name that is above every name.
              —Philippians 2:9

Elvis, Cher, Oprah: celebrities so well-known they are recognized by a single name.

But there is one name that is exalted above every other: Jesus. His earthly parents were told to name him “Jesus [the Lord saves], because he will save his people from their sins” (Mt 1:21).

“God . . . gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow . . .” (Phil 2:9, 10).

Grab a hymnal and sing it . . . or pull it up online and sing along.

Jesus, Thy name I love,
All other names above,
Jesus my Lord!
—J.G. Deck

There is a name I love to hear,
I love to sing its worth;
It sounds like music in my ear,
The sweetest name on earth.
—Frederick Whitfield

Jesus! In your heart and on your tongue.

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