Paid in Full

In him we have redemption through
his blood, the forgiveness of sins.
          —Ephesians 1:7

Alicia cried when she browsed the bill for her medical treatment. Payment was impossible.

She nervously called the doctor’s office, explained her family’s financial status, and requested an installment-payment plan. After leaving her on hold for what seemed an eternity, the bookkeeper informed her that the doctor had zeroed out the balance. Alicia sobbed a “Thank you” to the doctor and to God.

Psalm 103 assures us that God “forgives all [our] sins” (v. 3), that “he does not treat us as our sins deserve” (v. 10), and that he removes our transgressions “as far as the east is from the west” (v. 12).

Because of Jesus, our transgressions are forgiven, our sins covered (Rom 4:7).

Our account is zeroed out; our debt paid in full.

Our sins are indefensible,
but, thanks to Jesus, not unforgivable.

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