God Provides

Give us today our daily bread.
            —Matthew 6:11

On August 5, 2010, the ramp into the San Jose copper/gold mine, twenty-eight miles north of Copiapó, Chile, collapsed, trapping thirty-three miners 2,300 feet underground.

The miners retreated into a steel-reinforced safe room where emergency rations were stored—only enough to feed twenty-five men for two days. Pros put the miners’ chances for survival at less than 2%.

After seventeen days, surface-drilling punched holes in the mine shaft ceiling as a delivery path for food, water, and medicine. The trapped miners’ survival depended on provisions from ground level.

Life-sustaining necessities we depend on for survival are beyond our creature reach: oxygen, food, water. Until we cultivate an awareness that we have needs that we are unable to provide, we live lives of thanklessness.

If you think you’re self-sufficient,
stir up an ounce of oxygen.

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