Claim Your Solitary Place

Jesus got up and went to a place
where he could be alone and pray.
        —Mark 1:35

They snoozed while Jesus prayed: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mk 1:35).

He needed a private place where he could be alone with his Father. If Jesus needed one-on-one time with God, how much more do we?

Those who encountered Jesus didn’t leave as they came.

An adulteress came with sins exposed and left with sins forgiven (Jn 8:1–11).

A tax collector came knowing he was rejected and left knowing he was accepted (Lk 9:1–10).

Lay claim to your solitary time and place with your Lord. Come to him before the day’s demands come knocking at your door. Talk to him. Listen to him.

You won’t leave as you came.

Pray when you feel like it—and when you don’t.

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