Remembering Sonny

Let us not give up meeting together . . .
but let us encourage one another.
              —Hebrews 10:25

There’s a hole in our church family, on row five; the space where Sonny sat for twenty-five years. Sonny left our church house for his Father’s house on June 3.

As a young man, Sonny was a stock car racer; then for thirty-nine years, a Pressman for the Houston Chronicle. Those two high decibel jobs assaulted Sonny’s ears and left him stone deaf.

Even though he couldn’t hear a thing that was being said, he never missed filling his spot on row five. He showed up to honor his Father and encourage his church family.

Sonny didn’t talk much, because he couldn’t decipher the other side of the conversation. But I never saw him without a smile on his face.

That’s how I’ll remember him: happy and faithful. I’d like to be remembered that way, wouldn’t you?

Difficulties either diminish you or enlarge you.

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