Remember Me

Do this in remembrance of me.
          —1 Corinthians 11:24

It was a memorable moment when Jesus broke the bread, picked up the cup, and said to his disciples, “This is my body . . . my blood.”

In the coming days, when you eat the bread and sup the cup, “Do it in memory of me,” he said.

I look at a picture of my departed father and smile. When I think of things he said and remember things he did, I feel his nearness. He continues to be a living presence.

Remember Jesus, not just as a person of the past, but also as a present companion. “I am with you always,” he promised.

This Lord’s Day, when you eat the bread and sup the cup, remember what he did for you then, and how close he is to you now.

He isn’t a distant deity,
he is a living presence.

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