Qualifying the Unqualified

O Lord, please send
someone else to do it.
     —Exodus 4:13

As I mentally run down the list of well-known names in both Old and New Testaments, I don’t find one who was in any earthly way qualified to do the job they were called to do.

Moses was past middle age when God drafted him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses protested that he wasn’t qualified. He was spot-on—he had a stammer and a temper. Plus, he didn’t want the job: “O Lord, please send someone else.”

The apostles? They were utterly unqualified.

If we see ourselves as qualified, there’s a pride element that will cause us to assume credit. But when we answer God’s call, despite our evident lack of qualification, we eliminate the danger of seeking the praise that belongs to God alone.

God qualifies the unqualified.

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