You Will Get Through This Day

I can do all things through
him who strengthens me.
     —Philippians 4:13

I have a friend who lives on the happy side of the street: “I can’t wait to get up in the morning,” he says.

I have another friend who lives on the grumpy side of the street: “I can’t wait until this day is over,” he growls. He starts dreading the day before he’s out from under the covers. He’s a lifetime subscriber to Murphy’s Law: “If anything can go wrong, it will.”

One way or another, you will get through this day.

You can do it griping and grumbling—or by being upbeat and productive; opposites that require the same number of hours. But one way or the other, you’ll get through it.

You have a choice in how you
begin your day, spend your day, and end your day.

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