Three Baskets of Sevens

If you do these things, you will never fall.
                                 —2 Peter 1:10

Here are two baskets of sevens that you should keep well-stocked in your spiritual pantry.

The wisdom that comes from heaven (James 3:17):

  1. Pure
  2. Peace-loving
  3. Considerate
  4. Submissive
  5. Full of mercy and good fruit
  6. Impartial
  7. Sincere

Characteristics built on the foundation of faith that will keep you from falling (2 Peter 1:5–7):

  1. Goodness
  2. Knowledge
  3. Self-control
  4. Perseverance
  5. Godliness
  6. Brotherly kindness
  7. Love

And here is one basket of seven that you should take to the dumpster.

Seven things that are detestable to God (Proverbs 6:17–19 TLB):

  1. Haughtiness
  2. Lying
  3. Murdering
  4. Plotting evil
  5. Eagerness to do wrong
  6. A false witness
  7. Sowing discord among brothers

Cultivate the good.
Eliminate the bad.

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