Hallelujah Chorus

Declare his glory among the nations.
                         —Psalm 96:3

On November 13, 2010, shoppers who were having lunch in the food court at Seaway Mall near Niagara Falls were suddenly surprised when out of the blue, a young woman stood and started singing the opening lines of the Hallelujah Chorus.

Then, across the room, another person stood and joined her—and then another, and another, and another—until more than 100 vocalists were belting out Handel’s masterpiece. An opera company had planted the singers at various spots in the food court. It was a moving performance. (You can check it out on YouTube if you wish.)

It’s a reminder that together we can bring glory to God in the ordinariness of daily living.

“Sing to the Lord, praise his name . . . For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise” (Psalm 96:2, 4).

Soli Deo Gloria—Glory to God alone.

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