It’s Not Too Late

Teach us to number our days.
               —Psalm 90:12

You can use your days selfishly or selflessly.

You can use them growing bitter or getting better.

The number of pages left on your calendar may signal that it’s too late to train for a triathlon, become a brain surgeon, or metamorphose into an opera diva.

But it’s not too late to write a letter, make a phone call, or heal a fractured relationship.

It’s not too late to alter a bad attitude, soften a touchy disposition, or reverse an ungrateful spirit.

It’s not too late to be generous, be an encourager, and love those God puts in your path.

It’s not too late to read your Bible, pray, and make peace with your God.

You can’t write a new beginning,
but you can write a new ending.

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