The Stars and You

[God] determines the number of the stars
and calls them each by name.
             —Psalm 147:4

If astronomers’ calculations are correct, there are more than one hundred billion galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars.

They say our Milky Way galaxy has between two and four hundred billion stars.

Whatever the number may be, God has given each star a name.

How do you stack up against that?

Here’s how! All those stars combined don’t even register on God’s value scale when compared to you: “When I look at the night sky . . . the moon and the stars . . . what are mortals that you should think of us . . . you have crowned us with glory and honor” (Ps 8:3–5).

God loves you, knows your name, and is “always thinking about you” (1 Pt 5:7).

The government knows your number.
God knows your name.

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