Let Us Pray (2)

By grace you have been saved, through faith.
                               —Ephesians 2:8

Dear God of grace,

The expanse between what I receive and what I deserve is wider than the ocean. I receive eternal life, but that is not what I deserve. My heavenly destiny is solely a gift of your grace.

If there be signage on the entrance doors to eternity, the door to hell might read “Wrath deserved”—and the door to heaven “The free gift of grace.”

I would never have known you had you not put me in the path of people who introduced me to you. Nor would I have ever loved you had you not first loved me. I have nothing that has not been gifted to me by your grace.

And you ask so little of me in return, faith being the only coin your grace requests. Thank you.


Heaven is God’s offer,
mine to accept or reject.

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