Live within the Boundaries of Today

Do not worry about tomorrow.
             —Matthew 6:34

Peter wrote that with the Lord “a thousand years are like a day” (2 Pt 3:8).

I confess that I can’t get my head wrapped around that. My life is measured by the calendar: years, months, weeks, and days.

God is timeless, but he knew that would be too heavy for us to handle, so he divided time into twenty-four-hour segments, knowing that we could bear the weight of one day at a time, but no more. To find joy in this day, we must live within its boundaries.

Refuse to pollute your days by getting stuck in the past or fretting about the future.

The things that poison our todays are images that we rewind from the past or problems that we borrow from the future.

Your Lord said, don’t do that. Do you?

Today is the only day you have.
Yesterday died last night; tomorrow is yet unborn.

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