Getting Our Priorities Straight

Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
                                        —Luke 10:20

Jesus commissioned seventy-two disciples as his Advance Team, sending them to prepare towns for his personal visit.

They returned to him, elatedly reporting their success. Mission accomplished!

Understandable. But Jesus wanted to be sure they got their priorities straight. Don’t be overly impressed with your success, he counseled, but “rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

The most extraordinary talents and impressive accomplishments are small potatoes compared to eternal joy. Earthly achievement ceases when life ends, but heavenly glory is forever.

Joy without measure will be my treasure.
Heaven holds all to me.
—Tillit S. Teddlie

When Sir James Simpson was asked, “What do you regard as your greatest discovery?” the expected answer was, “My discovery of chloroform.” But Simpson’s answer was, “My greatest discovery was when I discovered that Jesus Christ is my Saviour.”

The aim is heavenly honor,
not earthly achievement.

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