Grade Your Giving

Be on your guard against all kinds of greed.
                             —Luke 12:15

Jesus’ parable of “The Rich Fool” is short, powerful—and uncomfortable. Thumb over and read it—Luke 12:16–21.

Notice that in these six verses, “I” and “my” dominate. I’m told that in the original Greek, there are eight “I’s” and four “my’s.” Someone called them “aggressive pronouns”—the man was aggressively self-centered. He hadn’t the slightest interest in the needs of others.

John Wesley had three rules about money: 1) Gain all you can; 2) Save all you can; 3) Give all you can. His original salary at Oxford was 30 pounds a year. He lived on 28 pounds and gave 2 pounds away. When his income increased to 60 pounds, 90 pounds, and 120 pounds a year, he continued to live on 28 pounds and gave the rest away.

Your worth is in what you give,
not in what you have.

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