While You Sleep

[God’s mercies] are new every morning.
                   —Lamentations 3:23

Evil favors the night. Violence, vice, and vandalism are rampant; crime is planned, and corruption is planted. A bunch of bad stuff happens while you sleep.

But that’s not all that goes on through the night. God, who neither slumbers nor sleeps, keeps vigil at the foot of your bed. “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning” (Lam 3:22–23). While you snooze, God stocks your shelves with fresh mercies.

Before you listen to the news, listen to God. All the decadence in the world can’t inhibit God’s love for you. His steadfast love never ceases, his mercies never come to an end. His goodness and mercy are with you every day—and night—of your life (Ps 23:6).

Good things happen while you sleep.

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