Today’s Walk in the Word

Thank God for Unrecognized Blessings

By Joe Barnett / October 9, 2024 / Comments Off on Thank God for Unrecognized Blessings

Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it. —Genesis 28:16 I’ve had very few health issues that I’m aware of. I wonder how often God has healed when I was unaware. I’ve had very few close calls that I’m aware of. I wonder how many I’ve had of which […]

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Waiting for God’s Answers

By Joe Barnett / October 8, 2024 / Comments Off on Waiting for God’s Answers

Be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.        —Psalm 27:14 Every morning, I join my prayers to those of some acquaintances who are living through difficult days. Our prayers sometimes seem to go unanswered for reasons unknown to me or them. “I cry out to you, O God, but you […]

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Talk to Yourself

By Joe Barnett / October 7, 2024 / Comments Off on Talk to Yourself

How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me?            —Psalm 116:12 Do you ever talk to yourself? David did. He was in a reflective mood: “The Lord has been good to me,” he said. So he asked himself, “How can I repay the Lord for all his […]

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Troubles Qualified

By Joe Barnett / October 4, 2024 / Comments Off on Troubles Qualified

Struck down, but not destroyed.             —2 Corinthians 4:9 Disappointment and despair can come at you with hurricane force. If you’ve been through such a storm or are in one now, you know how overwhelming it can be. And even if today’s sky is clear, you’ve been around long enough […]

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Making Life Count

By Joe Barnett / October 3, 2024 / Comments Off on Making Life Count

You are the salt of the earth.             —Matthew 5:13 Albert made provisions to have his funeral in a Pub in Buffalo, New York, where he bent the elbow every night for the last twenty years of his life. Even though Albert perched on the same barstool every night for […]

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Proudly Wear the Name “Servant”

By Joe Barnett / October 2, 2024 / Comments Off on Proudly Wear the Name “Servant”

A servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.                                     —James 1:1 Servant. That’s probably not the first word you want on your Résumé if you’re hoping to be the CEO. But James would have been pleased […]

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You Were Made for This

By Joe Barnett / October 1, 2024 / Comments Off on You Were Made for This

Do not neglect your gift.       —1 Timothy 4:14 Rich Karlgaard, former publisher of Forbes magazine, wrote an editorial titled Money and Meaning. “Money is nice,” he said. “It can buy us time. It can strip away worry. But in the final analysis what makes us happy or regretful is not only money […]

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Use Your Gift

By Joe Barnett / September 30, 2024 / Comments Off on Use Your Gift

We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.              —Romans 12:6 I was introduced to a man who climbed 500-foot transmitting towers to inspect antennas for a religious radio station in the Caribbean. When asked to speak to a group of missionaries, he refused, saying his legs turned […]

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The Golden Rule

By Joe Barnett / September 27, 2024 / Comments Off on The Golden Rule

Do to others what you would have them do to you.        —Matthew 7:12 Confucius put the Golden Rule in negative form: “Do not to others what you would not wish done to yourself.” So did Rabbi Hillel. Asked by a prospective convert to state the whole law while he stood on one […]

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The Shield of Faith

By Joe Barnett / September 26, 2024 / Comments Off on The Shield of Faith

Take up the shield of faith.        —Ephesians 6:16 Heroic Bible characters don’t all look alike: some are Jews, others Gentiles; some rich, others poor; some educated, others illiterate; some men, others women. But there is one similarity; they all carry the same shield—across it is written the word “Faith.” The reason Jeremiah […]

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