What’s Your Price?

Is anything worth more than your soul?
                                   —Mark 8:37

October 22, 2019, was the first day of the World Series between the Houston Astros and the Washington Nationals.

The games weren’t Friday Night Lights for low-income families—the average per-ticket price was $950. Standing-room started at $360. A spot in the elite Diamond Club went for $10,500.

For die-hard fans, it was the most important event in the world. One buff offered a kidney for a ticket to the first game of the series.

But the post that sent chills down my spine was a tweet from Kaylise, offering to sell her soul for World Series tickets. Kaylise’s offer causes us to cringe. But aren’t there many who sell their soul for the paltry returns of all-consuming desires? Things like—


Sale of the soul is a loss—
whatever the price.

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