Hope for the Hopeless

Don’t be afraid; just believe.
            —Luke 8:50

In the last half of Luke 8, there are three stories that reveal Jesus as the hope for the hopeless.

  • He healed a hopelessly wild demoniac whom everyone feared, and no one could tame. Jesus transformed him into a missionary (vv. 26–39).
  • He healed a woman who had been hopelessly ill for a dozen years, and whom no physician could cure. Jesus revealed and rewarded her faith (vv. 43–48).
  • He restored life to a little girl whose grieving father had been told there was no hope. Jesus presented her alive to her heavy-hearted parents (vv. 40–42; 49–56).

Three stories that reveal not only the power but also the pity of Jesus.

Whatever your weakness, loss, or grief, the compassionate Christ is your hope.

In your helplessness and hopelessness
Jesus is your help and your hope.

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