Will You? Will You?

Whoever does not carry their cross
and follow me cannot be my disciple.
                       —Luke 14:27

“Follow me” was frequently on the lips of Jesus.

Some said, “Yes!”

“Follow me,” he said to a quartet of his first disciples—and they left kin and career and followed him (Mk 1:16–20).

“Follow me,” he said to Matthew—and he left his lucrative tax booth and followed him (Mk 2:14).

“Follow me,” he said to Philip—and he found Nathanael and brought him to Jesus (Jn 1:43–47).

Some said, “No!”

“Follow me,” he said to a rich young man—and he walked away because Jesus was asking too much (Mt 19:21–22).

Some said, “Yes”—conditionally.

“Follow me,” he said to two would-be disciples—and they said they would, but had other matters to take care of first (Lk 9:59–61).

And you?

“Follow me,” Jesus says. Will you? Will you?

Jesus’ “Follow me” demands an answer.

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