Today’s Walk in the Word

Only God is Great

By Joe Barnett / July 21, 2014 / Comments Off on Only God is Great

You are great … you alone are God.                         —Psalm 86:10 Louis XIV ruled France for seventy-two years, and demanded that he be addressed as Louis the Great. He ordered that Notre Dame Cathedral be totally dark during his funeral service, except for one […]

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One Day at a Time

By Joe Barnett / July 18, 2014 / Comments Off on One Day at a Time

I thought about the former days, the years of long ago.    —Psalm 77:5 The “good old days” weren’t all that great. The paradise that you remember has been embellished by imagination. In any case, those days are long gone. Living one day at a time has much to commend it. That’s all you can […]

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These Are Only the First Few Miles

By Joe Barnett / July 17, 2014 / Comments Off on These Are Only the First Few Miles

Surely in vain have I kept my heart pure.                                     —Psalm 73:13 Sometimes God’s children get testy when trouble comes. Why doesn’t God deliver the righteous from trouble and dump it on the wicked? Asaph’s complaint that the […]

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He Cares

By Joe Barnett / July 16, 2014 / Comments Off on He Cares

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you.        —Psalm 55:22 Is something troubling you or someone you love? Health gone bad? Marriage gone sour? Child gone haywire? Finances gone south? Hopes gone belly up? Whatever is bothering you isn’t a minor matter. If others think so, they’re mistaken. If […]

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Precious Promises

By Joe Barnett / July 15, 2014 / Comments Off on Precious Promises

Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you.                —Psalm 50:15 The promise of presence. When you feel alone, friendless, and forsaken, you’re not. You may be isolated by geography, circumstance, or sin—but he is near. He invites you to call upon him, and promises deliverance […]

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What Are You Worth?

By Joe Barnett / July 14, 2014 / Comments Off on What Are You Worth?

Do not be overawed when a man grows rich.                                         —Psalm 49:16 Satan hasn’t encountered much resistance in enticing humans to focus on money—even conning us into using it as our standard of judgment. “What’s he […]

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When Your Time Comes

By Joe Barnett / July 11, 2014 / Comments Off on When Your Time Comes

Man, despite his riches, does not endure.                            —Psalm 49:12 Death is the great equalizer: it treats rich and poor the same. Psalm 49 highlights the short-lived glory of fame and fortune. To paraphrase its points: All the money in the world cannot […]

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Who Controls Your Schedule?

By Joe Barnett / July 10, 2014 / Comments Off on Who Controls Your Schedule?

Let me know how fleeting is my life.                              —Psalm 39:4 Would a review of your schedule reveal chunks of time that could be better used? Americans, on average, spend four hours a day watching TV—half as much time as they spend […]

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Watch Your Mouth

By Joe Barnett / July 9, 2014 / Comments Off on Watch Your Mouth

I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin.                  —Psalm 39:1 Bullying is not harmless; it is brutal. The number one cause of teen suicide is bullying by speech. “The tongue has the power of life and death” (Prov. 18:21). “Sticks and stones may break […]

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Wait for the Lord

By Joe Barnett / July 8, 2014 / Comments Off on Wait for the Lord

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.                                                  —Psalm 37:7 Try these “wait” verses on for size. You’ll find one that fits. Wait for the Lord, and he will […]

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